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Keywords for uni essays defined

KeywordWhat you’re expected to do
Account (give an)Describe (what happened)
Account forGive the reason for what happened.
Not to be confused with ‘Give an account of’ which is only asking for a description.
AnalyseGive an organised answer looking at all aspects of the topic. Describe the main ideas in depth, showing their importance and the connections between them.
ApplyPut a theory into operation.
AssessShow your decision-making process on the value or importance of the topic by discussing its pros and cons. Make your own conclusion.
Comment onGive your opinion. State your views on the subject clearly. Back up your points with sufficient evidence and examples.
Compare withDiscuss similarities; draw conclusions on common areas.
CompileMake up (a list/plan/outline).
ConsiderDescribe/give your views on subject.
ContrastDiscuss differences/draw own view.
CriticisePoint out weak/strong points i.e. balanced answer. Express your own balanced judgement of the subject. Give views for and against, backed up with examples and references.
DefineGive the meaning of a term, concisely. Give clear concise meanings. State limitations of the definition (how is it used in your essay).
DemonstrateShow by example/evidence.
DescribeNarrative on process/appearance/operation/sequence. Give the
main features or characteristics of something or write about the main events or stages in a process.
DeviseMake up.
DiscussGive your own thoughts and support your opinion or conclusion. Write about the subject in detail, giving points for and against, advantages and disadvantages. Give a balanced conclusion.
EvaluateDecide on merit of situation/argument. Give your analysis of the importance, usefulness, accuracy etc. of the information. Include both sides of the argument, backed up with theories and references.
ExamineLook at the subject in detail.
ExemplifyShow by giving examples.
ExpandGive more information.
ExplainGive reason for – say why. State clearly how and why you think something happens or why it is the way it is.
Explain howDescribe how something works.
Give a brief accountDescribe in a concise way.
How far / To what extentGive your own opinion as to whether something is completely true or accurate, partly true or perhaps not true at all. Back up your points with references.
IllustrateGive examples.
IndicatePoint out, but not in great detail.
InterpretExpress what something means in simple terms. Use specific examples to make clear points.
JustifySupport the argument for…. Use evidence and reasons to support your judgement. Make your points clearly and forcefully.
ListMake an organised list, e.g. events.
OutlineDescribe basic factors. Give the main ideas, but do not go into too much detail.
PlanThink how to organise something.
RelateShow how things are connected or similar.
ReportMake an account on process, event.
ReviewWrite a report – give facts and views on facts. Give an overall view of the subject in a critical way. Pick out and analyse important parts of the subject.
ShowDemonstrate with supporting evidence.
SpecifyGive details of something.
StateGive a clear account of…
SummariseBriefly give an account. Write briefly about the main points or facts, omitting details. Use references to back up your conclusion.
TraceProvide brief chronology of events/process.
Work outFind a solution, e.g. as in a maths problem.
Original list from Key Essay Question Words, Queen’s University Belfast (URL no longer active)